Best WhatsApp Tracking Apps for MacBook

Looking for the best WhatsApp tracking apps for your MacBook? These top options provide comprehensive tracking solutions, whether you're monitoring your child's online activity or ensuring data security in your workplace. Each product offers unique features and capabilities, read our reviews to find out more.

1 - mSpy

Feature Details
Compatibility macOS 10.9+
Pricing $29.99/month
Pros Comprehensive features, user-friendly interface
Cons Requires installation, expensive

mSpy offers features such as call logging, message tracking, and location tracking. It is compatible with macOS versions 10.9 and above. Priced at $29.99 per month, mSpy provides a user-friendly interface and extensive monitoring capabilities. It does require installation on the target device, and the premium services come with a high price tag.

Selecting the right WhatsApp tracking app for MacBook involves considering your needs, financial means, and technical requirements. Regardless of your choice, each app on this list provides robust features and capabilities to fulfill your tracking and monitoring needs.